Daredevil is back! Did you binge watch already this weekend or are you watching the episodes in controlled doses? Yes, I downed the whole damn season in 1 day. Couldn’t help it!
Daredevil is back! Did you binge watch already this weekend or are you watching the episodes in controlled doses? Yes, I downed the whole damn season in 1 day. Couldn’t help it!
As everyone and their mother knows, Marvel has essentially conquered the silver screen and created the first shared cinematic universe in history. Now, their aim is to do the same thing on Netflix leading up to the Defenders, a more street level Avengers full of characters starring in Marvel’s queue of Netflix-only shows.
The CW has carved out a surprisingly compelling niche for superhero TV. At first DC/Warners’ mandate to keep the TV and cinematic universes separated felt stupid. But given how their movie universe still hasn’t gotten off the starting blocks, this ended up being a good thing.
Now we have two great shows in Arrow and the Flash at the foundation of an expanding universe,