We the people of the USA DO NOT want the SOPA or PIPA Bills to be passed by Congress. Its amazing what a common foe can do to galvanize the American people. Many of you already know what SOPA is all about and what it could potentially do to Internet freedoms should it pass. But the amazing thing we have seen over the past year is the power that people still hold when they band together and make their voices heard.
We’ve seen it all over the world last year in several Muslim nations where people’s outcries have felled dictators who have ruled over their constituencies with iron fists for decades. We have seen the 99% stage protests all over the USA to express their discontent with how the Wallstreet fat cats are back to their old ticks. Now we are seen the Internet at its most potent, rallying to stave off the threat of censure, which could possibly be the beginning of some totalitarianism measures if ignored.
And as SOPA and PIPA now lose more and more supporters, like GoDaddy, and many major sites like Wikipedia and Google go dark in protest of it, I could not have been prouder to see the citizens of this great nation fighting tooth and nail to retain their freedom to surf the wide, wild world of Web.
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